A VERY credible second place was secured by the Dainton Team at Stover Golf Club in the South Devon Senior League, where the top spot was clinched with a whopping 47 pts scored by their final pairing. An excellent performance was put up to finish the day in second place with a respectable 195 pts only pipped by the host club with 202 pts, thanks to that final pairing.

The scores on the day were Stover 202 pts, Dainton 195 pts, Bovey Castle 189 pts, Bigbury 171 pts and bringing up the rear were Thurlestone on 164 pts.

Dainton’s scores by pair were as follows: James Lavelle & Philip Taylor 39 Pts, Mike Lang & Stuart Witheridge 37 pts, Alan Montier & Mike Penlington 40 pts, John Williams & John Norrish 36 pts (Discarded), David Allott & Pat Hastings 39 pts and Roger Carpenter & Rob Abel 40 pts.

Next up is a trip to Bigbury.

From an individual point of view, the Senior Club Championships saw a dramatic finish that went down to the final group.

Graham Lawrence and Trevor Sewell were tied with cumulative scores of 159 after 36 holes and so the duo went into a four-hole playoff. They still couldn’t be separated after these four holes and so with Trevor already having clinched the Nett title, Graham came through to clinch the Scratch title after a sudden death hole.

Graham is pictured on the right and Trevor on the left, either side of Seniors’ Captain Mike Lang, well done to the two of them.