TEIGNMOUTH Golf Club captains Hannah Stephens and Phil Waggett each completed 100 holes in a single day on Thursday June 20, to help celebrate the club’s centenary year.

The pair set off at 5am and were fantastically supported throughout the day by caddies, ball spotters and spectators.

They completed the final hole just after 9pm, by which point they had taken a combined total of 953 shots and 127,642 steps, losing just the four golf balls between them.

This was a fundraising effort for Rowcroft and Alzheimers UK and thanks to the generosity of over 100 donors on Just Giving and a sweepstake in the club, the figure raised so far is approaching £5000 with donations still being made.

Hannah and Phil are pictured with Chairperson Maxine Anderson who presents them with a certificate upon the completion of the 100th and final hole.

What a brilliant effort this was from the two captains!