DAINTON A continued their South Devon League campaign with an away fixture against Churston.

Tom Rooke and Sean Prior were leading the visitors into battle in match four of 10, and were faced by an in-form Churston duo. They fought hard but ended up empty-handed and this defeat set the pace for the rest of the afternoon.

Second pairing Jon Halliwell and Matt Porosa took an early lead but were ground back by a birdie barrage and pars with shots by the Churston twosome. It went down to the final hole and a 20ft putt made it 2-0 to the home team.

Defeat was conceded on the 16th by Matt Emery and Owen Williams- fighting back valiantly after a slow start but to no avail.

It was the fourth group that got the ball rolling for Dainton Park, Greg Priscott and Craig Pidwell taking part in a back-and-forth affair that finished all square.

3.5 points quickly became 4.5 for Churston as yet another close call went against Dainton. The father and son duo of Daryl and Dion Page Dove were a lip-out away from taking their game down the 18th.

The penultimate pairing was made up of Sam Knight and Joe Nichols who were the only winners.

They went down the final hole one-up and Sam made a great two-putt from the back of the green to earn a first full point. Nathan Brown and Stu Dickinson brought up the rear and having to give away several shots proved to be the difference maker.

A final score of 5.5-1.5 looks more one-sided than was actually the case.