SUNDAY 26th May was the first of four Charity Days at Dawlish Bowling Club of 2024.

The day promised a high turnout with many of the usual teams hoping to enter on the day. 10am was the start time but proceedings got underway a little late due to the first of a few heavy showers.

22 teams entered with the usual hopes of playing and enjoying the game of bowls. Many people who attend these events only play on these charity days- the standard of some is very good and some just enjoy and have fun!

A game of Spider was played, which sees players each roll a bowl into the centre of the green and closest to the jack wins the prize- the entrance fees being donated to the AIMS charity.

The semi-finals and final were well contested with the eventual winners WHITE HART WANDERERS beating DUMS.

Alan and Cheryl deserve a pat on the back for their hard work in organising these events, with thanks to everyone else who helped out on the day.

The dates for the rest of the season are June 23, July 21 and August 25. If you want to enter a team of 4 then get in touch or turn up on the day at 9.30am.

New members are welcome to come along and join or if you wish to roll up, see our website or contact Mike Ferguson for more details, [email protected].