STUDENTS at a Newton Abbot school joined schools across the country in support of World Mental Health Day.

At Coombeshead Academy, a group of Sixth Formers have volunteered to train and work as Mental Health Ambassadors to support students throughout the school.  

The group will be trained by Mental Health in School Team practitioners and will learn about mental health and wellbeing through fun and engaging activities. 

World Mental Health Day is celebrated annually and this year’s theme set by the World Federation of Mental Health is workplace mental health.  

The theme highlights the importance of addressing mental health and wellbeing in the workplace, for the benefit of people, organisations, and communities.

Student ambassadors at Coombeshead are trained to gain an understanding around mental health and wellbeing;  learn some strategies about helping with mental health, how to balance it and look after it and learn to promote positive mental health in the school.

When the training is finished, the Ambassadors can be involved in tasks in the school such as leading student focus group around mental health, designing and making resources, sharing learning with the rest of the school, presenting to groups of students and staff and being a role model for supporting other people’s wellbeing in the school and local community.

Helen Coulson, Headteacher at Coombeshead Academy said: ‘World Mental Health Day is a great chance to talk all about the things we are doing in school to make sure that students are mentally healthy.  

‘I am so proud of the Sixth Form students that are undertaking this training and I believe their contributions on mental health will be so valuable to the whole school community.  

‘It can be really helpful for young people to have these messages around supporting your mental health delivered by their peers.’

Matthew Shanks, CEO of Education South West said:

‘Students need to know there is always someone available to listen to them and having Sixth Formers train as Mental Health Ambassadors is a brilliant idea.  ‘Going to school is about more than receiving an academic education, it’s about being helped to become a happy and healthy member of society.’