Guerilla gardeners in Teignmouth have cleared an overgrown area opposite the fire station after a disabled resident outlined difficulties caused by the excessive foliage.

Volunteers, including Newton Abbot’s new MP Martin Wrigley and town councillors, set to work to clear the dense greenery to improve access and visibility in an area close to a busy junction.  

Guerilla Gardeners: Martin Wrigley MP, Mike Jackman, David Cox, Dan Comer and Penny Lloyd
Guerilla gardeners tackle an overgrown verge opposite Teignmouth Fire Station (Photo: David Caunter) (David Caunter)

Guerilla gardening is a community activity, we hope to engage and encourage others to join in, making Teignmouth look good,’ explained councillor Dan Comer. 

Guerilla gardener Dan Comer tidies up the overgrown verge opposite Teignmouth fire station
Guerilla gardener Dan Comer tidies up the overgrown verge opposite Teignmouth fire station (Photo: David Caunter) (David Caunter)

‘Despite its name, guerrilla gardening is for everybody’, added David Cox. ‘Parents involve their children so they can learn about gardening, and older residents take part to share their knowledge and experience. The whole community is welcomed and encouraged to take part in reclaiming and improving their home.’

Guerilla gardeners fill a sack with cuttings in Teignmouth
Guerilla gardeners fill their sack with cuttings. L-R David Cox, Martin Wrigley MP, Mike Jackman (Photo: David Caunter) (David Caunter)

Newton Abbot MP Martin Wrigley added: ‘Parliamentary duties notwithstanding, I still intend to be help community project, when time permits.’

Teignmouth Town Councillors Dan Comer and Mike Jackman with a large bag of cuttings
(Photo: David Caunter) (David Caunter)