MID-Devon hosted the Totnes Vire, a prestigious stage race dating back to 1974 that celebrates the twinning of Totnes and Vire, France.

The race honoured three club legends who passed away by naming each stage in their memory, this trio being Ken Robertson, Roy Hopkins and Colin Lewis.

MDCC’s Charlie Meredith dominated stage one, an opening 14km individual time trail, clocking in at 19 minutes and nine seconds.

Stage two was the Dartmoor View Road Race which saw Gabe Dellar strategically outmaneuver his way to the yellow jersey. He timed a perfect attack on a final climb to secure a solo win.

The Oddicombe Hill Climb came next, a short and brutal path that pushed riders to their limits. Dellar continued his strong performance, edging out Meredith by a mere second.

A dramatic conclusion ensued on the final stage, the Velopark Criterium, with Nick Makin of Mid Devon prevailing, but it was Dellar who came out on top across the whole race.