MANY years ago, a Bowling Shield trophy was given to Ipplepen Bowling Club in memory of Les Wakelyn from his widow Iris and family because Les had been involved with the Club from its inception.

Since then, the annual “Wakelyn Shield competition” has been held, with the latest edition taking place on Saturday 29 June in the sunshine.

This was competed as a triples competition and the winner is the team who win their rink by the biggest points difference.

At the end of the afternoon, Club Captain and Competition Secretary, David Northwood announced that the winning team were Tina Chapman, Terry Morris and Trish Aitken. The pictured trio prevailed with a 19-shot difference over their opponents.

For anyone interested in trying out bowls, or to improve their game, the club are now running two evening sessions during the summer months. On Wednesday evenings from 6 to 7pm, club coach Mary Oliphant is running coaching/training sessions for ladies only – so don’t be shy ladies, come on down and enjoy the evening with other lady players.

Then, on Thursday evenings, starting at 6.30pm, come along and join Brian and Steve’s social evening of bowls. This is a fun evening for everyone to get together socially and enjoy a game. No formal bowls wear, just come along in casual clothing, but you must still wear bowling shoes.

Tuesday and Friday mornings from 9.15am to 12.30 are still the regular roll-up sessions – so again pop down to the Clubhouse, where you will be made very welcome. For further information contact Secretary Shirley on 01803 813980.