IN SPITE of the wet weather, Newton Abbot Bowling Club managed to fulfil fixtures with a touring team from Grampound, Cornwall and a friendly against Taunton. Not only were both games played in good spirits but Newton prevailed as victors in each.

That being said, one or two games did fall victim to weather, something which will hopefully occur less frequently as the oncoming summer beckons.

An open day for new members took place at the club on April 27 with 15 people (give or take) showing up to try their hand at bowls. There is follow up tuition for those who showed an interest and hopefully will become full members. Thanks go out to all of the members who gave up their time to welcome prospective players.

On the same day, Linda Dedman and Catherine Pickett finished runners up in the County Over 55 pairs competition. At South Molton, they narrowly lost in a game that was carried over from last season, the rain having struck again on that occasion.

Heidi Call, Christina Towle and Sue Johnson are also deserving of praise, the Bovey Tracey trio winning the County Benevolent Triples. This was another game that had been rained off previously and, in a titanic struggle, Bovey won it by a single shot on the last end.

Although early in the season, county competitions and league games will be coming thick and fast for the teams at Newton Abbot.