A slimmer who transformed her life by losing more than three stone is using her success to shape a whole new career helping other people change their lives and achieve their weight loss dreams too.
Kirstie Parnell joined her local Slimming World group in Exeter three years ago and dropped from 12st11 to 9st7 to reach her personal achievement target.
Kirstie has now trained as a Consultant for Slimming World at their national training academy in Derbyshire. Now she is opening her own group in Exminster at the Victory Hall, Church Stile, Exminster on Thursday October 24 at 7pm.
She says: “When I first joined Slimming World as a member, I never dreamed that I would end up helping other people to lose weight but now I just can’t wait to get started. After losing over 3st and completing my training, it’s a privilege for me to be able to pass on the experience, insight and understanding that helped me, so that I can give my members the support they need to get to target.”
For more information or to join Kirstie’s group either pop along on October 24 or call her on 07795 272070, visit www.slimmingworld.co.uk or call 0344 897 8000.