CROSS Street in Moretonhampstead became a foodie paradise last Saturday.

Moretonhampstead Food Festival. Riley and Evie Parkin
Picture posing and still having time for a quick bite to eat - Riley and Evie Parkin (Steve Pope/MDA)
Moretonhampstead Food Festival, Lorne MacLean from The Sipshed
Lorne MacLean with fresh bottled cocktails from The Sipshed (Steve Pope/MDA)
Moretonhampstead Food Festival
Alice White of A J White Greengrocers in Moreton busy preparing a vat of fresh fruit salad (Steve Pope/MDA)

Great grub and brilliant beverages were on offer at the 30 stalls as the moorland town celebrated it’s annual food and drink festival.

Now in its fifth year, the day long festival enabled visitors and locals to both try and buy some of the best local produce around - as well as tempting treats from slightly further field.

‘One again it proved to be another great and well-attended event,’ said event organiser Sam Parkin.

‘Visitors were able to  sample  some of the finest local food and drink that Devon has to offer with a  various range of exhibitors showcasing their best products.

‘We also had live music throughout the day again this year which enhanced the atmosphere and have us a true festival-like feel.’

All proceeds from the festival will support the Moretonhampstead Carnival, which in turn benefits local charities. 

Moretonhampstead Food Festival
Cookin with colour (Steve Pope/MDA)
Moretonhampstead Food Festival
Visitors hit Cross Street in search of culinary nirvana (Steve Pope/MDA)
Moretonhampstead Food Festival. Liz Hyde from G &Tea in Lostwithiel
(Steve Pope/MDA)