Torbay Amateur Radio Society (TARS) will be running a special event station at Slapton Sands this weekend to mark the 80th anniversary of D-Day.

The one-off station will operate from 12 noon on Friday June 6 until 12 noon on Sunday June 8. Communications will be via speech, using HF and VHF, and morse code.

The call sign for the weekend event is ‘GB80DCS’ (80th Anniversary of D-Day Commemorations from Slapton Sand).

Derrick Webber in his element, paddle key in hand
TARS has previously operated from a former air raid shelter in Courtenay Park, Newton Abbot (Ethan Heppell / MDA)

TARS, which is based in Newton Abbot, said visitors are welcome. The station will be based near the tank at Slapton Sands and easily identifiable by the very large aerial.