CHILDREN at a Newton Abbot primary school have raised more than £1,000 by running laps of their playground. 

The youngsters at All Saints Marsh C of E Academy took part in a Fun Run hosted by the PTFA Fun Run that brought the whole school community together. 

Students ran sponsored laps around the playground, with all funds raised going towards the PTFA, which supports extra-curricular activities, events and special treats for the pupils. 

The children collectively ran a grand total of 43.7 miles which is the equivalent of 842 laps. 

Together, the school raised £1,139.

The Fun Run at All Saints March primary school raised money for the PTFA.
The Fun Run raised money for the PTFA. (MDA )

Each of the school’s classes showed their spirit in different ways, with Templar Class running the furthest, Courtenay Class cheering the loudest, and Forde Class winning the award for the best overall effort. 

The fun run also celebrated individual class winners for the most laps completed. They were: Emily Scerbo Year 6, Jude Howell Year 3, Dovydas Meska Year 4 and Hattie Sweetland Year 2. 

Proud headteacher Liam O’Sullivan said: ‘The Fun Run was a wonderful demonstration of our school values of perseverance and courage. 

‘It was inspiring to see our pupils give their best effort, encouraging each other and running with determination. 

‘We are incredibly proud of their hard work, and grateful to our supportive community who came out to cheer, watch, and sponsor the event. 

‘A huge thank you to all the friends and family who helped make this such a success.’