A new vicar is to start in Exminster in September following the retirement of John Williams earlier this year.

Vanessa Pestridge, who has been a resident of the village for over 20 years, will oversee the Benefice of Exminster, which includes churches in Kenton, Powderham, Kenn and Mamhead.

Vanessa has lived in the village for over 20 years and has previously served as a school governor and church leader. She was ordained in 2020, after six years’ training, and has spent the last four years as the curate of St Matthew’s and St Sidwell’s in Exeter.

‘I love Exminster; it is such an incredible community that really cares for each other,’ Vanessa said. ‘There are also many needs within the community,’ she noted citing loneliness, mental health challenges, pressures from the cost of living, climate change and school and social pressures on young people. ‘In all of this I also believe we have our spiritual needs,’ she added.

Vanessa is most looking forward ‘to being able to put my energies into working alongside others to build a community that continues to practically care for each other, and, as the church, being a place for people to find love, acceptance and a safe space to explore those big questions of life together’.

Vanessa will officially take up her new role at a licensing service on September 9. During the summer she hopes to listen to the congregations and communities across the benefice to learn more about their hopes for the coming years.