Teignmouth Harbour Commission has named Captain Rob Parsons as its new Harbour Master and chief executive officer (CEO).

Rob will start his role in Teignmouth in early November 2024.

‘The interview panel was impressed by Rob’s proven track record, his vision for the future of Teignmouth Harbour and his collaborative approach to working with a diverse group of stakeholders,’ said Teignmouth Harbour Commission chair Dr Sue Astbury.

Rob spent 20 years working for the Royal Navy before moving to Newlyn where he spent eight years as harbour master / CEO. More recently, Rob has been the harbour master and divisional director for maritime and coastal services for Torbay Council.

‘The commissioners would like to extend our warmest thanks to our previous harbour masters and CEOs for their hard work and dedication in keeping Teignmouth Harbour afloat,’ commented Dr Astbury. ‘We look forward to a new era for our harbour community with Rob,’ she added.