Spring has certainly sprung in Kingskerswell with verges and gardens blooming into a riot of colour thanks to the efforts of the village action group.
Over the past week, as daffodils, narcissi and crocuses previously planted by green fingered volunteers have burst into flower, the Kingskerswell Action Group (KKAG) and its gardeners have been out planting more displays.
KKAG chair Roger Jones and volunteer John Yeo have added new plants and a wheelbarrow planter at the gateway entrance to the village.

Roger Jones also joined Simone Palmer, Chris Bryant, George Hampshire, Lewis (the KK Gardener) and Richard Thompson to plant and tidy green areas elsewhere around the village.

Kingskerswell Action Group also uses some of the money it raises to pay for professional gardeners to keep the village looking good. In Coles Lane Gardens, the Garden Boot Company laid a path, got on top of weeding and added plants to the children’s ‘Enchanted Woods’ garden. The gardeners also added plants to various locations around the village including the planters outside Co-op and the bank.

The Kingskerswell Action Group was set up seven years ago with the intention of restoring the overgrown Fore Street car park in the centre of the village. Since then, the group has developed into a force of volunteers who aim to improve the appearance of the village and the quality of life for residents. As well as planting and maintaining green areas, volunteers fundraise for local projects and organise a monthly aid truck to Ukraine.
Planned fundraising events include a Spring/Easter Fair on April 12, tribute band nights including The All Seasons concert featuring the songs and music of Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons on May 17.