STAFF looking after inpatients at Dawlish Community Hospital have been recognised for their work. 

The team won an Our People Award, given by Torbay and South Devon NHS Trust, for excellent care, service with a smile, kindness and understanding or exceptional service.

The team were nominated for the ‘can-do attitude of all staff, the keenness to help all patients and the passion each member of staff put into their role’. 

The spokesman said: ‘It is humbling to see and know we can trust the person beside us to give the best care. 

‘The team doesn’t stop when the doors close at 8.30pm. 

‘With 24-hour care, often taking late admissions during a very busy time on the ward, no matter how tired, or busy anyone is, the care is always the same,  person-centred, professional, and always met with a smile. 

‘Thank you to the team, always going above and beyond for our patients and each other.’