A POPULAR holiday scheme for youngsters in Dawlish has celebrated its success with a special event. 

Held at Westcliff School where the club is based, Happy Holidays organisers Natasha Cleave and Roz Camp were joined by primary age children, parents and volunteers to mark what could be the final year of the project as it currently stands. 

Running during the holidays, the scheme offers both government funded places and paid for provision, helping local families with childcare. 

This is the final year of government funding, unless the new Labour government decides otherwise. 

In the meantime, Natasha and Roz are continuing their passion for childcare provision. 

Chairman of Teignbridge Council, Cllr Rosie Dawson, dropped in to congratulate the team and talk about concerns as to whether government funding will continue past December. 

She said: ‘I’m so impressed by the creativity and community approach to provision here. 

‘Roz and Natasha have support from the community to enhance the offer here and have even published a wonderful family booklet on healthy eating. 

‘Their involvement of the local food larder, Veg Box shop and Sainsburys has really boosted the impact for children and families which now includes breakfast for those who need it on arrival each morning.’

Cllr Dawson says she will be asking new MP Martin Wrigley to chase up what support will be available presuming this funding ends in December as planned. 

And she would like him to visit the project during the summer and see how it is having a positive impact on the children and community.

Children enjoyed giant bubble making, a Punch and Judy show, barbecue with creative fruit displays and face painting at the party before a free raffle.

Parents say their children look forward to attending and have a ‘wonderful’ time. 

Roz in particular is passionate about children trying new foods and has plans for celebrating World Avocado day and purple fruit day with up to 50 children attending each session which runs from 9am to 2pm.

Natasha and Roz have also been recognised for their 

passion of food delivery and healthy activities and made a presentation to a conference of other providers across Devon.