A CAT stuck up a tree saw firefighters called in to a Teignbridge park.

Crew from Bovey Tracy made the short trip to Mill Marsh Park after receiving reports of a cat stuck up a tree.

The feline, named Sponge, had been stuck for close to 24 hours.

Firefighters used a 13.5 metre ladder to pitch up against a tree ,which was used in conjunction with Safety at Height and Confined Spaces (SHACS) equipment.

Following a tense stand off, which saw Sponge jump to another tree 20 metres higher, the moggie was eventually caught by a firefighter on the ground.

Sponge was then returned to his owners.

‘Should anyone come across an animal in distress or in a precarious position, it’s always best to contact the RSPCA first, who will make an assessment and make a decision to call out emergency services’ a spokesperson for Bovey Tracey Fire Station said.