Exminster Parish Council has made additional objections to a proposed landfill near the Orange Elephant at Kennford.

At an Exminster Parish Council meeting in August 5, councillors agreed to submit further comments to highlight concerns that the landfill could cause ‘permanent ecological damage’.

Parish Councillors had already submitted comments opposing the planned landfill at Lower Brenton Farm to a consultation last September. At the time, councillors raised concerns about ecological damage and transport issues and questioned whether the proposed landfill was even needed or if it adhered to National Planning Policy.

Devon County Council opened another consultation earlier this summer after developers BT Jenkins submitted an additional environmental report.

Councillors are worried that potential pollution from the landfill site could be washed into Berry Brook, which leads into Exminster Marshes - a designated protected European site, and then into the River Exe.

The Council does not see any reason not to continue ‘objecting to the application on the basis of permanent ecological damage carried by Berry Brook into the Exe Estuary’, it said in a statement.

Devon County Council’s planning portal shows the date for public consultation on the latest environmental report has expired. However, Exminster Parish Council understands that comments can be submitted up until the date the application is considered by the planning committee, which is likely to be October.

As well as submitting its comments to Devon County Council planners, the Parish Council has also sent them to district and county councillors and Central Devon MP Mel Stride.