Abbostkerswell has a new library. All thanks to the efforts of a group of volunteers who were determined to keep the village reading after Devon County Council cut its mobile library service earlier this year.

Abbotskerswell Community Library, known as AbLib, operates from Abbotskerswell Parish Rooms on Tuesday and Saturday mornings.

The stock of books, puzzles and even the bookshelves have all come from villagers’ donations.

A group of volunteers has categorised all the books and they now operate a rota to staff the library.

‘There are no rules and regulations, we just ask for a donation if you want to keep the book or you can just take what you want and bring it back whenever you’re ready,’ said one of the library volunteers. ‘There’s no need to sign in or pay any fines,’ she added.

Devon County Council decommissioned its four mobile libraries due to budgetary pressures. The service had cost the council £217,000 per year.