A PLAY chronicling the life of a Devon smuggler is currently delighting  locals and visitors alike on the banks of the River Teign. 

Playing every Wednesday evening throughout August on Shaldon Village Green, Zebediah Hook - The Smuggler of Shaldon is being presented by Shaldon Theatre Company.

It’s an open-air family-friendly play that has been running for over 30 years - and each  year sees a different episode. 

Leon Winston, the writer and director of the play, described this year’s antics.

‘This is the thirty-third year this drama has appeared and Zebediah will be looking out for some very, very special treasure this year,’ he said. 

‘But will he find it?  He will be joined by some very familiar faces in this latest version.  

‘The highly helpful Villager, John O London, Dilly Dawlish, and her many swans, plus the delightful singing Mermaid who appears alongside the  recognisable  Merry Monk. 

‘So this could be the year when they might find the very special treasure. The will need help from those who turn out to see the action. Everyone will need to keep a very watchful eye on the many clues to be found. It might be a different set of clues each week.

‘Come and see this brand new episode this year especially ‘when the moon is right and the tide is right’

The show plays at 7pm on Wednesday evenings throughout August and there is an additional show on the Bank Holiday Monday (August 26).