A RIP-ROARING feminist comedy which is set to play the prestigious Edinburgh Fringe Festival this summer will be previewed at a Devon theatre. 

 In the Lady Garden, a play by The Lady Gardeners Company will preview at Plymouth’s Theatre Royal between July 18 and 20 before its one month run in Edinburgh.

 The play showcases the talents of Babs Horton (writer), Deborah Edgington (director), and Julia Faulkner (performer).

This unique play centres around Alice, a 69-year-old protagonist who finds herself in a police cell, reflecting on her life choices. From being expelled from convent school to working in a pie factory, Alice grapples with questions about her past decisions and the broader mysteries of womanhood.

The trio, all in their 60s and 70s, have expressed excitement about continuing performances at this stage of their lives.

Jodie Paget, assistant producer at TRP, said: ‘We rarely hear empowering stories from older women on our stages, and this feels like the perfect production and company to make this shift’.

To support The Lady Gardeners ahead of their Fringe debut, they have set up a Crowdfunding campaign which is raising funds for production costs. This can be accessed at https://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/p/intheladygarden

The production company explained despite invaluable support from TRP, they still require £15,000 for artist fees, set, marketing, and more. Their £10,000 crowdfunding target is crucial, but every extra pound is a bonus. 

Tickets for the production are available from https://theatreroyal.com