Wet weather did not dampen the spirits of hundreds of people attending Chudleigh carnival on Saturday.

Chudleigh Carnival. A young piper from City of Exeter Pipe and Drums
Chudleigh Carnival. A young piper from City of Exeter Pipe and Drums (Steve Pope/MDA)

However, carnival organisers were disappointed that the rain reduced the number of entries in the procession.

Chudleigh Carnival. Busy little beavers - Chudleigh Beaver Cubs Scouts
Chudleigh Carnival. Pride of Chudleigh - the town's young Carnival Royalty (Steve Pope/MDA)

‘The rain stopped just in time for the procession and there was a brilliant turnout to watch,’ said carnival committee chair Tara Collyer. Spectators were also treated to stilt walkers and live music throughout the town.

Chudleigh Carnival. Pride of Chudleigh - the town's young Carnival Royalty
Chudleigh Carnival. Pride of Chudleigh - the town's young Carnival Royalty (Steve Pope/MDA)

Despite increasing difficulties for carnival committees across the region, the organisers of Chudleigh Carnival are planning at least one more event next year.

Chudleigh Carnival
Chudleigh Carnival (Steve Pope/MDA)

‘It’s hard if you don’t get the people to take part in the procession. And the road closures and insurance are expensive,’ Tara commented.

Chudleigh Carnival. Turning back the clock to the stone age at Chudleigh Rock
Chudleigh Carnival. Turning back the clock to the stone age at Chudleigh Rock (Steve Pope/MDA)

‘We have big ideas, but it’s hard to put them all into action with a committee of just six and limited funds,’ she added as she expressed massive thanks to everyone who worked so hard to put on this year’s event.

Chudleigh Carnival
Chudleigh Carnival (Steve Pope/MDA)
Chudleigh Carnival
Chudleigh Carnival. (Steve Pope/MDA)
Chudleigh Carnival. Turning back the clock to the stone age at Chudleigh Rock
Chudleigh Carnival. Turning back the clock to the stone age at Chudleigh Rock (Steve Pope/MDA)