DEVON County Council (DCC) is reminding parents of children entering reception in September that it expects pupils to attend full time.

This comes after several parents contacted DCC saying it had been suggested to them that there child’s attendance at reception should be gradually phased in.

In other words, that their child builds up to attending primary school full time, rather than begin full time on day one.

But DCC has said its expectation is for children to begin in reception full time, from day one.

A spokesperson for DCC said: ‘We heard from one parent who had followed advice given to them to gradually phase in the introduction to their child’s Reception year.  Because of the family’s work patterns, they’d needed to keep their child in childcare for some hours each week until their child was able to begin their new school full time.

‘They’d been surprised to find out that funding for childcare stops when a child is accepted at primary school and term starts.

‘Our family had to pay the additional cost of childcare during that transition, which they hadn’t expected.

‘Moving up to primary school is a big step in a young child’s life.

‘It can also be a big step emotionally for parents too! But generally speaking, most children adapt very well to their Reception year.

‘If you are concerned, or you think that your child is anxious or worried about attending primary school, please contact your school to talk about why you or your child is concerned.’