NEWTON Abbot Spurs enjoyed “A couple of good pre-season friendlies” says manager Marc Revell.

The momentum built up has clearly carried into the new campaign as well following a start of two wins from two.

Spurs thrived in front of their own fans on opening night, beating Bovey Tracey FC 4-0 after a first-half frenzy.

Toby Pullman scored twice against Bovey and then added a third to his tally for the season in the latest outing, a 2-1 win over Elburton Villa.

Revell certainly didn’t mince his words when we spoke to him, emphasizing that he would be “Quite happy to leave people behind” if they weren’t fully committed to the club in pre-season.

It was an “okay pre-season” in which he was keen to “get set up early” whilst also “managing expectations.

The boss hinted at something of a “5-year-plan” which is well underway at Spurs, and at the heart of it all is the younger players coming through. “We have a very young squad- there are older lads for experience but they don’t always play” and some of those that fit into the latter category have moved on recently, notably Will Hancox and Gavin Collins.

“We have lost players to your Brixhams and your Torpoints, but the younger, more local lads that love to play for the club” are there to fill these gaps.

Whilst pre-season wasn’t all rainbows and butterflies for Revell and co, he has “Not seen a better group of talented and fit players”, adding that “I know the group and know their talents.”

Revell is another who “Would never set out expectations for the group” but he did allude to not being “over-expectant of a title challenge”. “Privately”, he has an idea of what he wants to see across a season and one would imagine that the players have shown that with these two opening wins.

Talking of the home victory over Bovey and Spurs “proved [they] can give anyone a run for their money”, but equally “It’s about getting stuck into those 1 hour+ trips, with lesser conditions.”