BOTH the Xs and Ys were in action on June 26 for Kingsteignton Bowls Clubs’ Over 55s.

Starting in the X Division and they were beaten 43-24 away at Newton Abbot, with the latter taking all eight league points. S Doyle 20, John Saunders 14; T Voisey 23, Ian Westaway 10.

KBC skipper John Saunders said that in the Voisey/Westaway rink, the final score indicated an easy enough win for Newton but it was a lot tighter than that suggests.

The Doyle/Saunders rink was a close-run game throughout as well, with the turning point coming in the 15th end when KBC were holding 4 shots and the opposing skip came in for the shot bowl. However, it was an enjoyable morning, the weather was agreeable and it was played in good company.

In the Y Division, Bitton Park was the destination and KBC came out on top 38-29, taking six league points to Bitton’s two. C Crowther 10, Martin Redfern 28; G Webber 19, Bill Beech 10.

KBC Y skipper Bill Beech said that this was a good result thanks to Martin's big winning margin gifting KBC the 6 points. Bill Beech's team went down to good opposition but didn't disgrace themselves. Bill also said it was pretty hot out there and he suffered rather with the heat. However, an enjoyable morning and a productive one for KBC's Y team.

Meanwhile, the ladies were playing in the SDLBL on July 1 away at Torquay Kings, the score being 66-36 to Kings (8-2 pts). J Walker 15, Lizzy Maynard 17; R Rogers 18, Margaret Sole 12; A Robins 33, Jaquie Shorter 7.

KBC's Lady Captain said they all enjoyed a good match, although against stern opposition. She wishes to compliment Lizzy Maynard, who secured 2 points for us. This was only the second time Lizzy has played skip in her rink and did very well indeed.

There was more gameplay for the team in the X Division league whilst the Ys had a bye this week.

On July 4, the former travelled to play on Buckfastleigh’s lawn and pulled off a superb victory, 28-35 to KBC (0-8 pts). S Shaw 18, John Saunders 21; J Fox 10, Ian Westaway 14.

The skipper said that both teams started well for us, although by halftime John’s rink was 7-7 and Ian’s rink was 10-5 up. However, KBC hung in and won both rinks. A good result for the X Div as results haven’t been going our way this term- it was a good performance against nice people.