AT my age, I never thought it would happen in my lifetime, but it will, in fact, in the next five years. And yet again the mainstream media although reporting it, have not given this the prominence it should get; I think the government will be well happy. Be warned, I won’t be pulling my punches!
Last week the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) which all the major countries met offices contribute to, including the UK, published a grave forecast that the UN, IPCC Paris agreement on climate change would be broken in just five years’ time and not 27 years’ time.
If you remember, the UN said:‘We must hold the world’s average global temperature to no more than 1.5C over preindustrial times up to 2050 AD.’
The fact that this is likely to be broken this decade with a 66% certainty; that means more likely than not. It will bump around that figure, and continue to go up until it stays over this 1.5C threshold and continues to climb.
You would think that all the world’s governments would hold an emergency summit and put in place a plan to once and for all change the way we are heading; it was not even on the agenda at the G7 meeting in Japan.
I think if you read an environment column like this, then you already know what this means!
Last week was the turn of Italy to feel the force of floods which have been made worse by climate change.
Philosophically, I do not think most governments can or want to grasp this most complex human issue.
Just think, everything that modern mankind has relied on to get rich and buy stuff and be happy, seems to be dissolving along with the ice around the world. There is no doubt that humanity is at the cross-roads
Do we choose to live together in peace and co-operation, or just deny what’s actually going on? The wars around the world prove that humans are totally selfish and corrupt.
Remember less than two years ago, the UN gave a Code Red for Humanity (Aug 21) ‘that we must get off our present path.’ Did anyone listen? No!
The planet Earth is not like Venus or Mars, as Earth is in the habitable zone. Modern scientist now understand that the habitable zone is not just the distance from your Star (the Sun) but also the make-up of the atmosphere gasses of that planet.
Millions of years ago, the Earth had a poisonous atmosphere; just like Venus today with high concentration of CO2. The Earth was transformed into today’s atmosphere by the carbon cycle. Of which in great part, trees and giant ferns fell into the mud, turned into coal and locked the carbon away for good.
But ignorant humans at the time, came along and dug it out, and along with oil, burnt it and started to reverse the planet’s atmosphere back to prehistoric times – In fact, more like Venus which is twice as hot as it should be for its distance from the Sun.
Proving that CO2 will change the chemistry of the atmosphere whatever fake news followers think or say – it’s just chemistry and science.
We live in a world of fake-news and self-interest groups, don’t listen to them, but do your own research as I did over 35 years ago and found out that indeed too much CO2 will heat a planet and make large areas of Earth unliveable, and all the consequences of that.