HUNDREDS turned out to support a  family fun day in the heart of Teignbridge countryside last weekend.

Ideford’s Vintage Fayre, which took place last Saturday, featured a corncucopia of motoring excellence off all types from two centuries on display.

The event saw a fantastic line-ip of close on 50 vintage tractors, as well as a collection classic cars and motorcycles plus modern classics and stationary engines.

From ubiqitous Austin 7s to powerful sports Jaguars visitors were spoilt for choice with the range of vehicles , each one with it’s own story to tell, all vying for attention.

Crowds were also entertained by traditional country games, including bale tossing, and enjoy the outstanding food stalls and crafted cider.

All money raised from the event  goes back into supporting  local community amenities. 

Ideford Vintage Fayre
Admiring glances at motoring from the past (Steve Pope/MDA)
Ideford Vintage Fayre
Ideford Vintage Fayre (Steve Pope/MDA)
Ideford Vintage Fayre
(Steve Pope/MDA)
Ideford Vintage Fayre
Picture perfect - a quick snap of yesteryears cars (Steve Pope/MDA)
Ideford Vintage Fayre
World War 2 era jeeps on display (Steve Pope/MDA)
Ideford Vintage Fayre
Ideford Vintage Fayre (Steve Pope/MDA)