AN association of traders and residents are hoping to raise several thousands of pounds as it prepares a legal challenge against those behind the controversial Queen Street scheme in Newton Abbot.

Queen Street Traders and Residents Association (QSTAR) is hoping to raise £7,000 to help it with the legal costs as it prepares to ‘fight the changes to Queen Street’.

Close to £1,000 has already been donated to the Crowdfunder just days after its launch.

‘We are asking you to back the Crowdfunder in our attempt to change the scheme and halt the needless destruction of successful businesses on a thriving shopping street’ a spokesperson for QSTAR said.

QSTAR was set up to challenge the joint Devon County Council (DCC) and Teignbridge District Council (TDC) scheme to enhance the pedestrian experience along Queen Street.

The association has been calling for the scheme to be altered to one that carries the broad support of the traders and residents alike.

But with work well underway, the association says the only route left open to challenge the scheme is through the courts, hence law firm Lodders have been appointed by QSTAR.

It is noteworthy that it will not be the first time Lodders have taken on DCC in the courts.

Based in the Midlands, Lodders led Sustainable Totnes Action Group (STAG) to victory in the Court of Appeal after DCC challenged the High Court’s decision that it had unlawfully changed the direction of traffic in Totnes.

Another point of note is that both Newton Abbot Town Council and the Federation of Small Businesses have called for the scheme to be abandoned, with James Timpson OBE DL - the Timpson Group operating three businesses in Newton Abbot - saying he was ‘strongly opposed’ to the Queen Street Traffic Regulation Orders (TRO) in a letter sent to DCC.

‘Please back our Crowdfunder with any donation you can manage to help Save Queen Street!’ the spokesperson for QSTAR said.