TRACTORS will be moving into Dawlish Countryside Park to sow crops to support rare birds.
The operation will see machinery in the park to plough the stubbles and harrow, sow and roll in this year’s spring barley and trefoil clover mix.
The crop is sown to support rare Cirl buntings and an endangered arable wildflower.
The areas will be surveyed for Skylarks before ploughing.
The work is due to take place on Tuesday April 1 and the park, which is popular with walkers and dog owners, will be closed from 9am on the day.
The tractors are due to be on site for several hours so the whole park will be closed to ensure safety.
Once the work has been completed, and tractors are off site the park will reopen.
A spokesman for Teignbridge Council said: ‘Thank you for co-operation during the necessary works and we apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.’