WITH the weekend’s wild weather putting Highweek Show 2023 in jeopardy, organisers had to overcome and adapt to keep this year’s show on the road. 

The rain and wind warnings on Saturday meant that unfortunately the main part of the event, usually held outside, could not be held. 

Nonetheless, nothing could dampen the spirits of the show, as it continued the exhibits in the Village Hall followed by an impromptu afternoon tea party on Sunday afternoon.

The show concluded with the Auction of exhibits and  presentation of cups.

The Best Girls Exhibit was won by Penny Billing, while the Best Boys Exhibit (pictured) was won by Aiden Joy.

Highweek show stated: ‘It didn’t look like a typical Show Day, but we cracked on and still had a lovely time.

‘Thank you to all the committee, plus friends and family, who lent a hand setting up and adapting to the new plans!

‘Thank you to Pete and Lucy Farnsworth for the big job of organising the exhibits and of course the auction - and not forgetting Ruth who oversees the exhibits.

‘Thank you to all the local businesses that donated brilliant prizes towards our grand raffle.’

Jonathon Bell, from Rendells, added: ‘Both events were very well supported and the committee were most grateful for everyone’s support and understanding and those who rallied around and lent a hand in setting up and adapting to the new plans. A true community event and looking forward to next year!’