River Teign Rowing Club had a great outing to Weymouth, where they won the Tristan Memorial Trophy for overall first placed club. First to race were the women's A crew in Double Dutch. Rachel Holgate, Lucy Barczok, Paula Horrill, Wendy Blackburn, Kerrie Potter, Sue Heath and cox Steve Mortimore found a good start position and got away well. However, by the first turning mark, Caradon had got ahead and the two crews vied for lead position around the rest of the course. The Teign crew held on well, but could not manage to pull back past the strong Caradon girls and so had to content themselves with second place. The men's A crew raced next, also inn Double Dutch. Lee Blackburn, Craig Cheevers, John Hingston, Ed Rawlings, Paul Walton, Ivan Tabbernor and cox Nic Bourne got a good start, rowing line-abreast with the leading crews to the first mark. Surprise entrants Coverack then pulled ahead with Caradon taking the second position and Teign third, which is how it stayed to the finish. Next to race were the women's B crew. Jane Bourne, Lisa Hingston, Lisa Pash, Julie Walton, Felicity Rawlings, Sam Westlake and cox Kate Barczok rowed Teign Spirit. They pulled hard, holding a mid-position in the pack right around the course. They crossed the line sixth, but with two clubs declaring A class rowers, they were placed fourth. The men's B race followed with Teign entering two crews. In Double Dutch were Dave Schiller, Paul Free, Alfie Winfield, Ed Rawlings, John Hingston, Nigel Evans and cox Andy Forte; in Teign Spirit were Nic Bourne, Neil Castree, Lee Blackburn, Kevin Mason, Rod Pash, John Haytread and cox Sue Heath. Dutch got a flying start and quickly established a lead. They had clear water around the course and crossed the line first, 23 seconds ahead of Coverack. The Spirit crew crossed the line in sixth. The mixed race saw a good entry, with Teign putting up two crews. In Teign Spirit were Ruth Holgate, Neil Castree, Craig Cheevers, Dave Schiller, Wendy Blackburn, Sue Heath and cox Steve Mortimore; in Double Dutch, Lucy Barczok, John Haytread, Rod Pash, Kevin Mason, Kerrie Potter, Sam Westlake and cox Nic Bourne. Teign Spirit crossed the line third, but were disqualified; Double Dutch finished sixth. The women's veteran crew rowed in the penultimate race. Lisa Pash, Julie Walton, Rachel Holgate, Jane Bourne, Felicity Rawlings, guest Jo from Salcombe and cox Andy Forte were in Double Dutch. They lead the whole way round to cross the line 31 seconds ahead of Swanage. The men's veterans concluded the day's racing. Teign's Rod Pash, Paul Free, John Hingston, Dic Bourne, Paul Walton, Ivan Tabbernor and cox Sue Heath took Double Dutch to lead the whole way and finished five seconds ahead of Caradon. Teign followed this by taking a strong squad to Falmouth for the first Tribute Challenge Series event, where they finished eighth overall. Teign men's A, rowing Double Dutch, comprised Lee Blackburn, Craig Cheevers, John Hingston, Mark Peters, Paul Walton, Ivan Tabbernor and cox Nic Bourne. They made a fair start and pulled hard around the course with some success. They were lucky to avoid a nasty collision at the front of the pack, which resulted in damage to one gig. They crossed the line in ninth position, adjusted to joint 11th (with Looe) once second start timings had been taken into account. Caradon were the victors. The men's B race saw two Teign crews in action – John Haytread, Paul Free, Alf Winfield, Ed Rawlings, Dave Schiller, Nigel Evans and cox Andy Forte in Double Dutch and Neil Castree, Paul McMurray, Mike Izzard, Fletch Larkin, Nic Bourne, Steve Mortimore and cox Sue Heath in Teign Spirit. Dutch had been drawn in the first heat with Teign Spirit in the third. Dutch had a fair start and stayed within the top group up to and around the turn marks, but were able to gradually pull up through several gigs to cross the line in third place. Teign Spirit rowed a good race, keeping a good position in the middle of the pack to cross the line sixth of the entered C crews. The Teign A crew of Felicity Rawlings, Wendy Blackburn, Jo Haydon, Sandrine Haytread, Paula Horrill, Sue Heath and cox Steve Mortimore rowed Double Dutch in the first heat. They got a good start and worked hard, rounding the turn marks without incident to finish in 11th place (after second heat timings had been taken). Teign had two crews in the women's B race. Rachel Holgate, Sam Westlake, Lucy Barczok, Kate Barczok, Kerrie Potter, Kelly Inness and cox Andy Forte were in Double Dutch and Julie Cranwell, Suzannah Cranwell, Ruth Holgate, Wendy Blackburn, Rowan Cranwell, Claire Schiller and cox Steve Mortimore in Teign Spirit. Dutch had a blistering start and were quickly up into a good position for the first turn, which was held for the remainder of the race. They crossed the line in second place, 12 seconds behind Caradon. Spirit rowed well in the C crews heat, rounding the course with a strong, tidy style to cross the line in sixth. Next race involving Teign was the mixed event, in Double Dutch were Felicity Rawlings, Craig Cheevers, Lee Blackburn, Fletch Larkin, Wendy Blackburn, Sam Westlake and cox Steve Mortimore. They had a good start off the crowded line and rowed a fair race to cross the line ninth. In Teign Spirit were Rachel Holgate, Ruth Holgate, Alf Winfield, Neil Castree, Jo Haydon, Dave Schiller and cox Kate Barczok, who were unable to get to the line due to crowding but were able to get a good start behind the home crew. They rowed hard and after a quick 'spurt' in the third leg pulled through two gigs to cross the line 22nd. The veterans race was the last of the day and Teign had entered two men's crews – Nic Bourne, Paul Free, John Hingston, Mark Peters, Paul Walton, Ivan Tabbernor and cox Sue Heath in Double Dutch, and a hastily re-assembled crew of Julie Cranwell, Mick Cranwell, John Haytread, Bert Blank, Mike Izzard, Paul McMurray and cox Rachel Holgate in Teign Spirit. Dutch had a particularly good race with powerful rowing and cool-headed coxing to cross the line third. Spirit started strongly and pulled well, passing several crews to finish in 10th place.