OUTGOING chairman Sheila Malynn and the ladies of Teignmouth Tangent were delighted to present a cheque of £3,000 to Devon Air Ambulance.
Support services manager Tasha Meldaue for DAA said she was amazed to receive such a large cheque. Proceeds from Tangent’s Christmas bazaar and a successful fashion show were the main fundraisewrs.
A further cheque for £344 was given thanks to fundraising officer Gerry Willocks who kept Sheila’s Keep Fit classes going while away visiting family in Australia.

To end her year it was Sheila’s wish to plant an apple tree in the Orchard, Mules Park in memory of dear Tangent friends who sadly have passed away .
Sheila has now handed the chain of office on to Sam Honeywood, who has a busy year planned with the usual mix of fun events and fundraising.
Sam’s charity is Teignmouth Food Larder.
‘A special thank you to all the friends of Tangent who generously support us,’ says Pam Stanaway, secretary.