BOOKING has opened today for COVID-19 spring vaccinations in Teignbridge.

The NHS booking service is now available for people eligible for the vaccine.

NHS teams have been working to make it as easy as possible for people to get jabbed close to home.

This includes 482 community pharmacies across the South West, who will be providing the vaccination to people in their local communities.

Vaccines are the best way for people to protect themselves against COVID-19, reducing the risk of catching and spreading the virus, as well as the risk of serious illness or needing to go to hospital if you do catch it.

Those eligible for this year’s spring COVID-19 vaccination include adults aged 75 and over, residents in care homes for older adults, and people with a weakened immune system who are at a greater risk from severe illness.

The NHS is contacting everyone who is eligible for the jab via text, email, NHS App message or letters, but people don’t need to wait for an invite to book.

Anyone eligible can book an appointment now by visiting the NHS website, using the NHS App or calling 119 for free.

Matthew Dominey, Consultant in Public Health, Screening and Immunisation lead, NHS England South West, said: ‘I urge anyone eligible for the COVID-19 vaccination to take up the offer and book their appointment. COVID-19 continues to cause serious illness and hospitalisation, particularly for older people or those with a weakened immune system.

‘We want to make it as easy as possible for you to protect yourself this spring.

‘A range of NHS teams including community pharmacies and GP practices are set up to deliver the vaccine, so you can get your jab close to home.

‘Help us help you by topping up your immunity and booking your appointment as soon as possible.

‘As well as booked appointments, there are thousands of walk-in appointments available every day, with a full list of local locations available on the NHS walk-in finder.’'

Professor Dominic Mellon, Regional Deputy Director for Health Protection at UKHSA South West, said: Last year’s spring Covid programme reduced the risk of getting severely ill and being hospitalised by more than 40 per cent in those at greatest risk - for up to nine weeks after vaccination.

‘I would strongly advise all eligible to get vaccinated to top up your immunity and greatly reduce your chances of the virus ruining your spring and summer months.’

A summary of the health conditions, treatments and medications that can cause a weakened immune system is available on the NHS.UK website.