HIGHWAYS engineers are due to start work on resurfacing and drainage work at Cofton.

Devon County Council member Alan Connett has given an update on the ongoing issues, including serious potholes, on the A379 by Cofton Farm.

He said the county highways team is currently scheduling work along the affected stretch of the road.

Cllr Connett explained: ‘The recurring issues at this location are due to prolonged periods of heavy rainfall and saturated land from the valley behind.

‘I have been working with the adjacent landowner, and with their agreement, we have planned drainage works to manage the water at the point where it currently crosses the road.’

Previous wet weather had meant water continued to flow across the road.

A major resurfacing scheme is due to take place in the next financial year but the drainage scheme needs to be completed first.

This scheme has been designed and is currently with contractors for scheduling.

Cllr Connett added: ‘Our contractor is also managing the potholes as best they can when they are reported.

‘We are working with the coordination team to agree on a date for the works to be undertaken.’