CHILDREN at Bovey Tracey Primary School became concerned at the growing problem of refugees fleeing the Middle East.

So the school council, which consists of two representatives from each class, organised a fundraising day in response to the refugee crisis.

Children were asked to wear mufti and bring in a can of food for the charity Newton Crisis Aid. In total, 355 cans were collected.

Classroom assistant Vickie Downton, who runs the school council, said: ‘One of our governors, Amber McDonald, suggested the children could do something practical to help.’

Younger children took part in word search and colouring activities and raised £836.60 for the charity Medecins Sans Frontieres which provides emergency medical aid to those in need.

During the fundraising day children heard about what it means to be a refugee, and watched a video about MSF’s work.

One child said: ‘It went smoothly, lots of tins came in and I feel proud of what we’ve done.’

Vickie added: ‘I think it is a fantastic achievement by the children to raise so much in just one day.’