DEVON & Cornwall Police are dedicating resources to combat anti-social behaviour and Domestic Abuse investigation during the EURO 2024 tournament, and warn people that there are consequences if they use or threaten violence against their partners.

The National Centre for Domestic Violence indicates that reports of domestic abuse increase during knock-out football tournaments.

‘Sometimes emotions can run high during sporting events, and frustration and competitiveness can cause tempers to flare, which may lead to an increase in anti-social behaviour, violence, and domestic abuse’ a spokesperson for Devon and Cornwall Police said.

‘If you or someone you know is suffering abuse, or if you are worried, don’t wait.

‘Contact the police or any of our support agencies and get the help and support you need’ the spokesperson added.

Detective Inspector Ben Ferguson of Devon & Cornwall Police said: ‘Passionate support of any sport does not justify domestic abuse.

‘We are working with our partners to identify those who might be at an increased risk of abuse during the Euro 2024 Tournament and will provide additional support during this time.

‘We want to reassure people that we know most football fans do not commit domestic abuse offences, however, it’s essential that we remain proactive in tackling abuse by locating perpetrators and protecting victims of domestic violence.

‘We are committed to supporting and protecting victims at all times, not just during sporting events. Help is available to both victims and perpetrators of domestic abuse, and we encourage anyone involved to seek help.’

PCC Alison Hernandez said Alison Hernandez, Police and Crime Commissioner for Devon, Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly, said: ‘For those living with domestic abuse, major sporting events can be an anxious and distressing time if someone fears they may be at increased risk of violence or other abusive behaviour as a result of anger or frustration in the home.

‘I am pleased that Devon & Cornwall Police are dedicating additional resource to domestic abuse during the Euros and also taking action to tackle antisocial behaviour which I know causes fear and upset in our communities.

‘Domestic abuse is not just physical, but can also be emotional or financial, or can consist of controlling behaviour.

‘Any type of abuse is unacceptable.’

‘If you have been affected by crime, please visit to access support services and information on your rights and how to navigate the criminal justice system’ the spokesperson for Devon and Cornwall Police said.

‘You can also call Victim Support on 08 08 16 89 111 or Devon and Cornwall Police’s Victim Care Unit on 01392 475900.

‘If you fear for your or someone else’s safety and need help immediately, always dial 999’ the spokesperson added.