A NEW dog walking site could be open in Ipplepen if planners give approval.

Proposals have been submitted to Teignbridge Council for a change of use of an agricultural field to a secure dog walking field on the south side of Moor Road in the village. 

The applicants have recently bought the site and are keen to provide a secure and safe area for individuals to be able to bring their dogs and allow them the freedom to run around and play in the field. 

The site also provides a safe space for people who are nervous to let their dogs off leads due to having poor recall or behavioural issues and as a result need to be exercised on their own. 

A statement with the application says: ‘From looking at other secure dog walking fields these are well supported with extremely high booking percentages and it is anticipated that support for this proposed new facility will also be high due to there being nothing else like this in the local vicinity.’

Local dog owners have expressed support for the plans. 

One said: ‘I live in Ipplepen, this is brilliant. 

‘It will be a great safe place to exercise and train our two dogs. I’m in full support of this proposal.’

The applicants are proposing that the field totalling 1.70 acres is secured by a high tensile deer/equine fence upto 1.80m in height and provides an area for members of the public to bring their dogs to exercise and play. 

It is proposed the paddock is open to the public seven days a week, from 6am to 9pm in the summer months and 7am to 6pm in winter. 

The existing access will allow all weather access to the paddock.

The number of dogs is proposed to be limited to six dogs per person to try and reduce dog mess and ensure dogs can be controlled and managed. 

Spare dog waste bags will be provided on site, in case visitors forget to bring their own and all dog waste is taken away by all dog walkers and is not left or disposed of on site.