A PETITION to legally enshrine the right to roam across English national parks has now been signed by over 23,000 people, with a signature coming from every single constituency in the UK. Support for the petition is heavily focussed in Devon, with the majority of support centred in the Newton Abbot, Totnes and Central Devon constituencies.

A map of the UK showing signatories, areas in yellow shows support, while the darker the colour signifies stronger support (UK Government and Parliament )

The petition, which aims to 'Enshrine in law rights to roam and wild camp in national parks', was created by Edward Morris on January 17, just after the ruling. Although the bill hopes to secure access rights across the UK, it acknowledges that it was the recent Dartmoor ruling that triggered the action.

The petition states that its intention is to: 'Pass legislation to protect people's right to enjoy nature, and prevent it being restricted by landowners, who we believe should not really be allowed to own land within national parks. National parks should be for all, and not turned into a commodity.'

It aims: 'To allow future generations the opportunity to experience and appreciate the natural beauty of this country's national parks.

'Too many people have little to no experience outside of highly polluted walkways and paths, with little to no opportunity to see the beauty of the night sky.

'Many children have not seen the night sky in absence of light pollution before. The recent overturning of the right to roam on Dartmoor in favour of the privileged is unfair, and will only reduce these opportunities.'

The petition raised over 1,000 signatures in the last 24 hours. The government will respond at 10,000 signatures, and the petition will be considered for debate in Parliament at 100,000.

Although signees come from across the country, support is particularly concentrated in Devon. Central Devon (Mel Stride's constituency) has over 1,000 signatures, while Newton Abbot has 400 and Totnes almost 800.

Click here to find out more or sign the petition.