“DEVON’s finest with the jam on top” was the line used by Chris Warburton on Radio 5 Live this morning and it really does feel like Ollie Watkins is the cream of the crop down south.

Opportunities for him at these European Championships have been few and far between but he took the chance and then some, picking out the bottom corner with pinpoint precision in his trademark style of finishing.

After the final whistle, Ollie exclaimed that he has “Been waiting for that moment for weeks”, even giving the following admission. “I swear on my life, my kid’s life, I said to Cole Palmer, we’re coming on and you’re going to set me up.”

That is exactly what happened with the former Buckland Athletic and Exeter City star engraving his name into the England history books and sending the Three Lions to the Euros final in the process.

Talking of Buckland and the club’s Co-Chairman Nigel Holmes spoke to Rachel Burden and Rick Edwards on 5 Live in the wake of this glorious moment.

“When he was with the club he was such a respectful, hard-working young man. You speak to the coaches who worked with him and they’ve got nothing but praise for him.”

There is certainly a feeling of local pride in Devon, having seen Watkins rise through the English football pyramid and now scoring such an important goal at the pinnacle of the sport.

Infamous football journalist Henry Winter also appeared on this 5 Live show and he pointed out “What a journey he has been on”, from “Playing in front of 3 or 400 people and having been doubted” to now sending a whole country into pandemonium against the Netherlands.

Going back to Nigel and he expressed that “As a club, it is just fantastic to see a former youth player get to the level that Ollie has got to. We couldn’t be more proud.”

“There was always something that little bit extra, that little bit different, he just had it” both on and off of the field. Holmes describes Watkins as “an absolute sponge” who was always listening to advice and seriously taking it on board, even at U9 level.

People “always said there was something about him, something that separated him from other players, within the club and the teams they played” and to see this bear fruit is a magical moment.

Speaking more to who Watkins is as a person, the Buckland Athletic co-chairman pointed out that “You see Ollie diving into the crowd last night and giving his mum a big kiss and a cuddle, that says it all really.”

Lastly, the impact on Newton Abbot and local football can’t be understated.

“It is creating such an interest and a buzz locally, everyone is talking about Ollie Watkins. You go to one of our junior sessions, whereas before it was Messi and all the other top stars, now all you hear is Ollie Watkins.”

It really is brilliant to have the area represented on the national stage by such a revered individual.