A TEAM of nurses from Dawlish Community Hospital put on their running shoes to raise money for charity. 

The foursome took part in the Race For Life for Cancer Research which was held at Westpoint in Exeter. 

All part of the ward-based nursing team at the hospital, they wanted to help support the cancer charity. 

The run was the brainchild of hospital deputy Martin Helen Thatcher. 

She was joined by healthcare assistants Kevin Matthews, Beth Small and Savannah Edmund. 

Since the charity run, the team has been joined by other hospital colleagues who are keen to get fit. 

Kevin explained: ‘All of us at some point have been touched by cancer with friends and family effected and also we see on our ward many patients that are struggling with it. 

‘We felt we wanted to try and fight back in some small way and Helen came up with the idea of taking part in Race for Life. 

‘It has given us all a focus to get fitter and exercise regularly. 

‘Helen has decided we will keep our staff running club going and already more staff members have expressed a wish to join and we are planning more future running events so it’s had a huge positive effect on staff morale and well being.

‘It’s so tough financially for everyone at the moment raising charity donations but all our colleagues from the small team here at Dawlish who contributed were so generous it was very touching.’

The group raised several hundred pounds from their sponsorship.