NEW Newton Abbot MP Martin Wrigley has joined his other Lib Dem colleagues in Parliament. 

Mr Wrigley, who defeated Conservative Anne Marie Morris at last week’s election, has travelled to London to take his seat in the House of Commons. 

He was among the new intake of Lib Dems whose success saw them gain a further 63 seats taking the total of MPs to 71, the largest number gained since the party was formed. 

The House of Commons reconvened yesterday to elect the speaker after which MPs new and old will be officially sworn in which can take several days. 

Newly elected MPs are helped on their first few days with a stand erected in Westminster Hall saying ‘Welcome to Parliament.

Then in nearby Portcullis House they will be provided with a ‘new MP’s buddy, a member of the Commons staff, to help them find their way round the buildings and learn the ropes. 

There are also rooms specially set aside where they can sort out their new Commons email addresses, be allocated a Commons laptop and iPad, receive HR advice and be told about the MPs’ expenses regime.

Mr Wrigley was joined by fellow Torbay Lib Dem MP Steve Darling and this guide dog Jennie.