THE NEW vicar of Exminster has explained to villagers why smoke was seen billowing from the vicarage.

Contractors are carrying out renovations on the property until Reverend Vanessa Pestridge can move in. 

While the work was ongoing, smoke was found to be billowing from the site. 

Revd Pestridge, who took up the post of priest-in-charge earlier this month, said she had been to the property and managed to stop the smoke.

Writing to parishioners on social media, she said: ‘Lovely people of Exminster, I know many of you had smoke from the vicarage travelling to your home yesterday. 

‘Although I have officially started as Vicar, I am not yet in the vicarage until hopefully November. 

‘The diocese is currently responsible for the site and managing the contractors that are doing all the necessary renovations. 

‘I did go and have a word and got it stopped in the afternoon and then again in the evening to have it dampened down. 

‘There shouldn't be any more.’

She invited anyone affected to get in touch with her and she offered to invite them round for a cream tea when she has moved in. 

Revd Pestridge, who has lived in the village for 20 years, was licensed as priest-in-charge of the Five Red Churches Mission Community a few weeks ago at St Martin’s Church.

Ordained in 2020 after six years training, she was previously a school governor and church leader.