HOSPITAL patients in south Devon are big asked to help keeping waiting lists up to date with the introduction of a new system. 

The new Patient Hub will help the NHS know if local people still need their appointments and want to remain on a waiting list.

From Tuesday July 9, anyone who has been waiting more than 12 weeks for an appointment with Torbay and South Devon NHS Foundation Trust’s outpatient team will receive a text inviting them to confirm their wishes on the new Patient Hub.

Patients will be asked to confirm if they wish to remain on the waiting list; be removed as their condition has improved; or be removed as treated elsewhere.

This data will then automatically update each speciality’s booking teams to help ensure waiting lists are as up to date as possible, and will also help achieve fewer missed appointments, meaning more people can be seen and treated, quicker.

The project is being overseen by Tony Ray, Patient Access Manager.

He said: ‘This service will support patients who are awaiting appointments within head and neck, surgery, ophthalmology, musculoskeletal and medicine, and we will gradually roll this out throughout 2024.

‘Many of us receive texts from our doctors or dentists reminding us of appointments, this is essentially the same thing so we hope that this new validation process will make things easier for our patients.

‘If you have been waiting for more than 12 weeks for an appointment with our outpatient team, you will receive a text asking you if you still wish to be on the waiting list and directing you towards the Patient Hub. People can expect to be contacted every 12 weeks requesting this update.

‘It is hoped this new service will make things easier and quicker for people waiting for care and also help us reduce the number of letters currently being sent out helping the environment and reducing postage costs.’

People can access Patient Hub via a smartphone, tablet or computer and will only be asked to provide basic information.