RESIDENTS from Newton Abbot are to ask MP Anne Marie Morris to take action over a deal that could threaten Britain’s NHS.
Today members of Save Devon NHS will meet the MP at her constituency surgery in Newton Abbot’s Passmore Edwards Centre to talk about the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership.
The partnership is a trade deal agreement between the EU and United States which, it is claimed, could privatise the NHS and could grant any firm with American investors the power to sue the government if it ever attempted to take the privatised NHS back into public ownership.
Ms Morris has pledged to keep an eye on developments but despite petitions, protests and letters she has failed, according to a spokesman for the Devon NHS group.
The group says a legal expert believes there is a ‘real and serious risk’ to future governments wishing to take the NHS back into public hands.
They will present their findings to Ms Morris on Friday.
A spokesman for the group said: ‘We will be presenting Anne Marie Morris with explosive legal advice showing the real and serious threat that TTIP poses on the NHS.
‘We hope this will spur our MP into action and call on David Cameron to act.
‘Our NHS is at risk of an irreversible sell-off.’