IT is looking likely that coffee-house chain Starbucks will open in Kingsteignton.
An application submitted by a Starbucks franchisee for signage to Unit A1 at Kingsteignton Trading Estate has been approved.
The unit was once the home of Baymoor Interiors.
Application 24/01267/ADV for three fascia signs, a freestanding directional sign and an addition to an existing totem sign was submitted by Cobra Coffee, a Starbucks franchised partner that has several sites across the South West, including Cornwall, Devon and Dorset.
This comes after application 24/00791/FUL, which sought to widen the permitted use of Unit A1 to include Class E allowing for food and drink to be sold on the premises, as well as make external alterations to Units A1 and A2, was similarly approved, in spite of an objection by Kingsteignton Town Council, who said it preferred the unit to remain as ‘an industrial unit for use by community start up businesses.’
No changes are proposed to the existing car parking or the access arrangements to the site.
It is looking likely, therefore, that the popular coffee shop will open in Kingsteignton; the planning statement for 24/00791/FUL, for example, clearly states that the coffee shop ‘will be operated by Starbucks’.
However, a further application seeking to discharge conditions five and six of 24/00791/FUL, which require approval of a Construction Management Plan and the design of the bin store enclosure, the planters and the HVAC unit enclosure, is still pending consideration by Teignbridge.
A decision on application 24/00791/COND1 is due on or before February 3, however Teignbridge said it was dealing with an ‘unprecedented high workload’ and that there are ‘significant delays’.