Troubled Dawlish and Teignmouth residents will find it easier to find support and advice following the launch of a ‘human signposts’ scheme.

Called Coastal Connecting, the human signposts initiative offers free training for anyone who interacts with the public so they can identify people in need and direct them to the relevant support services.

The scheme has been developed by doctors’ surgeries in the Coastal Primary Care Network, which covers Teignmouth, Dawlish and Chudleigh, and Teignbridge Community and Voluntary Services (CVS). They hope that, once trained, instead of just listening to the problems of customers or clients, the human signposts will be able to direct them to practical help and support.

‘We are particularly keen to get local hairdressers, taxi drivers, hospitality staff, friendly neighbours, housing wardens, sports trainers, church members and any and all interested residents skilled up to gently help those in our communities who may be unaware of existing opportunities, lack digital access, or face language barriers,’ explained Anja Kroening-Maynard from Teignbridge CVS. ‘The voluntary and community sector is thriving in the coastal communities and there is a lot of support available,’ she added.

After a 15-minute online video training session, the human signposts should be confident in knowing where to find out about wellbeing support and about the wide range of opportunities available in and around Dawlish and Teignmouth.

This could include information on where to get benefits advice or help for carers, where to find support groups or a local walking group, how to get involved in volunteering or how to get information about stopping smoking.

‘We really want to share all this information and explain where to find it across local communities, said Becki White, co-ordinator and social prescribing lead for the Coast Primary Care Network. ‘We delivered an initial session earlier this year and there is now a session available for free online for anybody to view at’ she added.

Coastal Connecting is also being supported by local information hubs located in Coastal PCN GP surgeries, the Alice Cross Centre and the Hub Store in Dawlish.