The story of a terrified semi-feral pony who is overcoming past trauma with specialist training from staff at the Mare and Foal Sanctuary in Newton Abbot is being shared on film this week as part of the charity’s latest appeal.

Footage includes the pony bolting from his stable in the earlier days of his training and goes on to reveal the expert, persevering work of his handlers.

Mouse was rescued as the result of a large-scale multi-agency rescue from Bodmin’s East Moor in 2016 and is now provided with care for life at the sanctuary.

He was traumatised on arrival and staff say he is one of the most nervous ponies they have ever worked with. It has taken years to gain Mouse’s trust.

Terri Saunders, yard manager, is one of Mouse’s main trainers.

She said: ‘If a leaf blew across the yard, he would be startled. It was upsetting to see how on edge he was. We were very concerned for his wellbeing.

‘Horses and ponies like Mouse pose a real challenge for us. There are simple things we cannot do with semi-feral equines, like check their teeth or feet, because they have never been handled.

‘Often, the rescue is just the beginning. In Mouse’s case, it has taken years of our specialist care, gentle training and confidence building to help him move towards a happier and healthier future – I think he has finally found his sanctuary.’

The Mare and Foal Sanctuary works for all horses and ponies, but has particular experience in managing and training feral, semi-feral or unhandled horses and ponies.

Sarah Jane Williamson, chief executive, said: ‘We have expert understanding of the physical, psychological and social needs of horses and ponies.

‘Our staff know how to deal with ponies with extremely complex behaviours and have persevered over many years to rehabilitate and train Mouse to know that humans can represent safety.

‘Our staff work tirelessly to keep our horses and ponies healthy and make sure all their needs are met despite being in smaller teams due to the necessary physical distancing measures.

‘Our appeal will help to raise vital funds so that we can maintain a regular routine for ponies like Mouse as his training continues.’

The Mare and Foal Sanctuary is calling on the public to support its cause. View Mouse’s film and donate to their special appeal today by visiting:

The Mare and Foal Sanctuary rescues horses and ponies that have been abandoned, neglected or abused.

It also ensures that horses and ponies have a sanctuary for life. Most horses and ponies are given care for life through its network of knowledgeable carers. Those horses and ponies with more complex needs are cared for in its sanctuaries. 669 horses and ponies are under its care.