A NEWTON Abbot care home that received an ‘inadequate’ rating by inspectors of the Care Quality Commission has been closed.

Dunmore Residential Home, in Courtenay Road, was registered for 32 older people, including people living with dementia.

The home had been given an overall rating of ‘inadequate’ with the same rating under the following five headings of whether the home was safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led. It had been placed in special measures

There were 20 people at the service at the time of the inspection in October 2021. Bedrooms are located over four floors. There is a small passenger lift to access all floors. There is some accessible outside space.

Inspectors had reported: ‘Due to poor management of risk, people were at risk of harm.

‘We found multiple examples of poor care and inadequate monitoring of risk in relation to malnutrition, dehydration, personal care, oral care, weight loss, incontinence, fire safety, infection control and pressure care. Some people looked unkempt.

‘People were restless; some expressed sadness and worry at the changes in the home, and the lack of social activities. People told us they were bored and there was nothing to occupy them.

‘We observed people sitting for long periods of time in their wheelchair with nothing to do and no interaction with others. People’s dignity was not maintained; people’s clothes and belongings were lost.

‘Complaints were poorly managed and long-standing issues were not effectively addressed.

‘People told us they did not feel listened to, and relative’s expressed frustration that their concerns were not addressed. They did not feel confident in the new management structure.

‘There had been many staff changes, including in care, catering, administration, housekeeping, maintenance and management. There had been changes in the running of the home and this had impacted on staff confidence and morale.

The overall rating for this service is ‘Inadequate’ and the service is therefore in ‘special measures’.

‘This will mean we will begin the process of preventing the provider from operating this service. This will usually lead to cancellation of their registration or to varying the conditions of the registration.’

Dunmore Residential Home is listed on the CQC website as being run by West Bank Residential Home Ltd, based in Lagoon Road, Lilliput, Poole, Dorset.

The latest report concludes: ‘We identified nine breaches in relation to environmental and individual risks to people’s safety, infection control, person-centred care, maintaining people’s dignity, safeguarding, nutrition and hydration, staff training and deployment, complaints, consent and the running and oversight of the service.

‘CQC took enforcement action against the provider. The provider made the decision to close the service.

‘People living at Dunmore Residential Home were supported to move to alternative homes by the local authority.’

The CQC took enforcement action because:

‘People using the service did not receive care which was appropriate, met their needs or reflected their preferences.

‘People using the service were not treated with dignity and respect.

‘Care was not consistently delivered with peoples consent and in their best interests.

‘People’s risks were not well managed to keep the safe.

‘People using the service were not protected from risks associated with the management of medicines; the spread of infection; and deteriorating physical and mental health.

‘Systems were either not in place or robust enough to demonstrate safety was effectively managed.

‘Poor safeguarding systems, processes and practices at the service, placed people at risk of harm

‘People were placed at risk because their nutritional and hydration needs were not met.

‘People were at risk because complaints were not acknowledged or action taken to address them.

‘People were at risk because there was a lack of oversight by the provider.

‘The systems in place to assess and monitor the quality and safety of the service were ineffective.’

‘Staff were not suitably qualified, competent and skilled to meet people’s needs.

‘Staff were not deployed effectively.’